21 November 2014
This is my 30 before 30 list
But here comes the twist,
Because of my illness and disability
You will have to do it for me,
See I have these plans in my head
But I’m stuck 24/7 in a hospital bed!
Viks (Post Pals team) is turning 30 on the 21st of December and has published a list of things she would like to do but can’t. She is turning to the internet to ask people to help carry out the wishes on her behalf. Several benefit Post Pals or similar causes, including learning the signs of childhood cancer and how to support parents who have lost a child.
If you would like to help then her website for it is http://my30wishes.blogspot.com
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21 November 2014
If you have read any of the Pals pages then you are bound to have seen lots of mentions of our special volunteer Dottie.
Dottie is a cuddly Dalmatian who writes to the children. Her letters are packed with photos of her adventures and all the children receive their own cuddly ‘littermate’ to have adventures with. It’s our most popular but also most expensive scheme.
This year Dottie is selling Christmas cards and 2015 calendars featuring her adventures and some of the children. Please consider ordering some cards or a calendar. Every single penny raised will be spent on sending more stories of adventures to Post Pal children and buying ‘littermates’ for all the children who join Post Pals next year.
They are being sold on Dottie’s site www.dottie.org.uk
Post Pals also fundraises with used stamps (so far Kim has raised over £500 this year with them) so please save your stamps when your Christmas cards start arriving. They can be sent to KimBows, 9 Leicester Street, Bedworth, Warwickshire, CV12 9NQ
Thank you!
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21 November 2014
Tyanna has Neurofibromatosis which causes tumours to grow throughout the body.
Two things keep Tyanna happy – Post Pals post and One Direction, so when they combined this happened…
Big thank you to Kim Broadley who organised this and One Direction.
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21 November 2014
We often send balloons to Pals and siblings but recently sent the largest balloon bouquet in Post Pals history. It was for a very special occasion.
Sadly lots of Pals have joined Post Pals with terminal cancer and our aim is to fill their last few months with smiles. Sapphire joined Post Pals with terminal cancer and was on palliative chemotherapy only to try and hold the cancer back for as long as possible. Sapphire has now moved on from Post Pals as she is in complete REMISSION. She is cancer free and no longer needs chemotherapy or any treatment!
Here are the pictures of Sapphire with her special balloons;
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