New to Post Pals?

Apr 15, 2010

Hello if you are new to Post Pals and found us via Russell Howard tonight, thank you for visiting our site and wanting to make a sick child smile.

There are lots of ways to get involved, so grab a pen or open your emails and within 5 minutes you can create some smiles like those featured in the video clip. Click on “Find a Pal”, then read through the current children and pick someone to write to – be it a seriously ill child or their sibling (we feel it is important that siblings are remembered as they can often feel left out attention wise in their life), and send a card, letter, little gift or email to the address on their page. If you are stuck for who to write to we have a TLC list with those most in need of smiles. The little girl featured in the video is Megan H.

You can join us on Facebook or Twitter too, just check out links on the left.

Thank you again for wanting to make a child smile.