Our Pal - Gaby M
- Born: 11/12/1998
- Illness: Papillary tumor of the thyroid
- Status: Moved On
- Home Page:
Contact Details
NB: this is a forwarding address, we do NOT disclose home addresses
Other Information
- Parents/Guardians - Vicki
- Interests - Swimming, dancing, ice skating, PC, drawing, her clarinet, cooking, reading, make-up and looking pretty, Michael Buble!
- Favourite Colour - Pink
- Able to read? - Yes
- Able to use hands? - Yes
- Visually/hearing impaired? - No
- Suffers from any developmental delay? - No
Siblings - aged 3 to 16 wishing to receive post
About - Gaby M
Story written 2007
Gaby was diagnosed with a rare thyroid tumour in Dec 05, after being treated for something else for 15 months. It was a big shock! Following diagnosis, Gaby underwent 8 hours of surgery at Alderhey followed by radiation treatment at Christies, Manchester. She has been very brave and always has a smile for everyone! Her treatment will continue for the foreseeable feature but looks positive.
Gaby has 3 sisters, Steph, Cat and Emma. Steph lives aboard but Catherine and Emma have been a big help to Gaby. She loves being at school with her friends and has only missed school when she has been too ill to go!
Gaby has remained very positive and is grateful for all the opportunities her illness has given. She has made lots of friends, especially on our stays in Malcolm Sargent House in Scotland. She has been to swim with the dolphins, been in a pink limousine, and been to Lapland.
Despite having a 10 inch scar on her neck, Gaby loves having her photo taken and would really love to be a model. She would love to meet Tara Banks.
Whilst Gaby is having her treatment she has to be in isolation due to the radiation but always manages to smile. In Dec 06 she was awarded “Cancer Research UK Little Star Award” for being such a little star!
Update April 2011
Gaby is moving on from Post Pals. She has so enjoyed her time here and has had many smiles from her post. Lots of the gifts and cards sent to her are displayed in her room.
Michelle (from Chelsea’s Angels) knows how much Gaby loves and uses her laptop. It helps Gaby keep in touch when she can’t get out. It’s good to know that there are so many caring people about.
Thank you to everyone who has made Gaby smile. I’m sure that we will keep in touch with many of you via facebook. Do send me a message there if you would like to know how Gaby is doing. Her journey continues.
Thanks to Viks and all her helpers for keeping Post Pals going, I know its not an easy job.
Update 30th January 2011
Gaby wasn’t too well over Christmas, she had flu and a bad cough but has bounced back.
She has been enjoying her skating and is getting quite good now!
I can’t think what else to say about her progress as it’s all so slow with this. Waiting, waiting!! Her last blood results didn’t show anything different so we just carry on!!
Thank you to everyone who sent gifts to the girls at Christmas, they loved them all! We had a very quiet Christmas, but it was nice just to be at home I guess!!!
Update 10th November 2010
Gaby has a usual month. The only thing that seems to have changed is that her blood results have begun to slowly move down at last! In herself, she remains cheerful and has only missed 3 days of school!
She had a great time at Alton Towers, though it was a very long day. She is looking forward to her new bed being delivered tomorrow. Her ‘old’ one which was only a year old collapsed! So she is having a pretty white iron one! Hope it fits in her room!
Thanks to everyone who sends post to the girls! It is really appreciated!
Update 1st October 2010
Thank you to everyone who continues to send mail to the girls. It always brightens their day!
Gaby managed to get to Disney Paris and had a great time, albeit with no insurance as the company wouldn’t cover her! She was ok though. It was very special too as a friend is working there and Gaby loved having “Minnie” make a great fuss of her!
She has settled well in her new school. Nothing has changed with her, so we just carry on as usual. Back to hospital next week!
Update 31st August 2010
Gaby has enjoyed a break at the seaside this month and the weather wasn’t too bad! She has been well, apart from being very tired at times. She is looking forward to starting at her new school on Thursday and we are going to Disneyland Paris this weekend so she is excited about that too! She has managed to do well at her skating as well and has passed several grades!!
Thank you to everyone who has sent her gifts over the last month or two. She has had some very pretty jewellery and also a nice book and a Monopoly game!
Update 4th July 2010
Gaby is well in herself, nothing new. Yet again this month her treatment has been changed though as it wasn’t holding things in check. She is coping with it though.
Gaby starts high school in September and is really looking forward to it, although is sad to be leaving her old school. She is taking part in a leavers play and service and the school are having a disco for them. She has most of her new uniform!
Thanks to everyone who has sent post to Gaby and her sisters. She had a lovely letter from Alba in Spain and many others. They get taken away before I have a chance to look sometimes, so not easy to mention everyone, but thank you so much!
Update 1st May 2010
Gaby has been overwhelmed by the amount of mail she has had this month. Cards, letters, emails and gifts! So many! Thank you all so much! Far too many to mention but Gaby has started to write replies to some of them and has replied to some emails. She hasn’t managed to do many though as her laptop needs fixing and she has to borrow her sisters when she can.
Gaby remains much the same though her treatment has been changed as her TSH levels were rising and that’s not good news! So it has been increased. She seems to be alright with the new regime but is still very tired. She has had a few infections lately but has fought through!
Gaby received her love quilt recently! She really loves it and has it on her bed. Thank you to all the sewers from Lovequilts, its lovely and must have taken a lot of thought and hard work to do it!!
Thanks again for all the kind thoughts! It makes Gaby smile every day!
Update 28th February 2010
Gaby is going back to Christies tomorrow and not looking forward to it! She has had the usual visits and bloods this month. She is well enough in herself, just tired. Her sisters went skiing with school during half term and we had a well earned spa break, with Gaby going to my friends for a few days. I’m so grateful for her doing this as we haven’t had any time to ourselves for over 4 years and it was much appreciated!! It’s so difficult to get a break from all this!
We have had some lovely things this month! Emma says thank you for all her birthday wishes! We had several valentines’ cards from… who knows?!! And a lovely parcel of valentines gifts from Caroline in France!! Also some nice things from Samrana! And, of course, we had Percy’s update! Thank you all! I know Gaby had a lovely bracelet with her name in beads but she took it upstairs so fast i don’t know who sent it – she loves it though! Hope i haven’t missed anyone but sometimes it’s hard to remember!
We have managed to get a break away in August arranged so we hope we get good weather. All we want is to play on the beach!
Update 31st January 2010
Gaby has been feeling very tired this month and at the minute has in infection which isn’t helping. She was at the hospital last week and is again next week and back to Christies the week after! We won’t really know anything until after that. She really hasn’t been up to anything other than school, though did manage to dance for a while today.
She has been trying some cross stitching and has also got into Sequin Art which I quite fancy trying myself, looks very impressive!!
She has been pleased with the post she has had this month and has passed the time in bed with her craft bits that came and also the changing eggs! The Ted Baker bag has also been well used, for school! It was meant for Emma but she let Gaby have it! We have had post from all over the world recently and its very kind of you all to think of Gaby and her sisters.
Update 4th January 2010
Gaby has remained stable this month and she enjoyed her birthday and Christmas for the first time in 4 years without a hospital in sight!!
Thank you all so much for the gifts for her birthday and for Christmas wishes! She has still been very tired and had some pains but has really enjoyed the Christmas break. Back to school tomorrow and hospital appointments next week though!
Thank you all so much for thinking of Gaby and her sisters. There are too many to thank individually, but every one is appreciated!
Update 29th November 2009
Gaby has just done an audition for Britain’s Got Talent, so fingers crossed! I was so proud of her!
She has had a good month and her blood levels have dropped by about 1.3! Only another 60 to go! It has taken 4 years to get to this point, it’s a slow job!
She is looking forward to her birthday and Christmas and hopefully no sign of hospitals this year!
Update 4 November 2009
Gaby has been a bit unwell this last month. She had a few days where she got really down and wouldn’t eat or drink and only slept, but seems to be better now. She had a good rest over half term! She has had her normal bloods done, no change there again. Nothing here seems to move very fast! Guess that’s how it is with this!
She has just heard though that her dance group has an audition for Britain’s Got Talent on 28th March! She is very excited; they are going to Manchester for it. The episode of secret Millionaire that she was on at Donnas’ Dream House was also on again this week! Well it was an update. That is such a great place and Barbara and Len who run it are great!
We’re trying to decide about holidays next year; Gaby would love a beach holiday but the weather here is so unreliable. We have decided that travelling abroad with her is not that easy at the minute so we’re taking the easy route. Though just for once, hubby has managed to book time off work in August!
Gaby loved the Chinese lanterns we received this month, though we still have some and thought we may use them at New Year! Thank you to those who have sent cards to the girls this month, including Leslie and Wendy! To Jane and Tam for the post cards… Gaby loves polar bears Tam!
Update 30th September 2009
Gaby has just come back from Outdoor Education at Loggerheads. She had a great time and enjoyed all the activities there! She came back exhausted though!
In herself she remains the same, happy and smiley girl. She is very excited because her long awaited wet-room is almost finished, so she will be able to wash and bathe more easily!
We are going to have a break next week, courtesy of Christian Lewis, to whom we are very grateful. She is looking forward to that!
We are in treatment limbo again, as it seems that the scan wasn’t that conclusive. It may be that they just go ahead, which is what Gaby wants, but after so much radiation they are being cautious. Not knowing is almost worse than when we were diagnosed. At least then we knew what was going on… ish!
Thank you to everyone for all the post!
Update 31st August 2009
Gaby has loved the gifts she had this month. Her sister wanted the cushion from La Senza as it matched her PJs! And the teddy is lovely! She has had lots of cards wishing her well with her scan. The ones from Megan and Sakiba in Manchester were lovely! She also sends her love to Percy!
Ahhh the scan! Gaby went to Christies twice this month, once for a PET scan that they decided to do rather than keep blindly treating her. Gaby wasn’t keen on the cannula but the scan went well. Then they decide that it will only tell us what was happening on that day and it is not a be all and end all as we’d hoped! Also, her blood results which have so far either been static or dropping have now gone up! So we are no further on. It looks like this is as good as it will be! They will continue to run her thyroxine high to suppress any tumour growth.
In herself, Gaby has been ok (the same old tiredness and stuff). We haven’t done much over the holiday but she has swam a bit and been out with friends.
We are going to Christian Lewis caravans in October. Let’s hope the weather stays good! She is also going to Outdoor Ed with her school next month but it is only a few miles away if there is a problem. She is still hoping to get up the Eiffel Tower one day! It’s a good job that Gaby has the strength for both of us, as some days its hard going not knowing what’s happening!
Again, thanks to everyone who sends mail to the girls, it brightens their day! It is nice to know that people have time to think about them.
Update 3rd August 2009
Gaby has been back to Christies twice so far this month. She is having a PET scan on Wednesday and isn’t looking forward to it. Due to it involving her head, she has to stay still for almost 2 hours without talking! She has been crying a lot and trying to get out of it and I’ve had to resort to bribery! In addition to that, the blood results, having either been stable or heading the right way for ages now, have shot up! As usual though, she is bearing up, being her happy little self. She has been just the same, tired out most of the time!
She is looking forward to going to outdoor education in September with the school. Rather them than me!
I’m sure Gaby would appreciate some TLC this week. Thank you to all who sent mail, especially Sarah for the bracelet that she loves and Wendy for the so cute bunny!
Update 4th June 2009
Gaby continues along the same path. Her latest scan “warrants further investigation”. So we wait!
In herself, she hasn’t been too bad, though has had a few days when she has overheated and been hallucinating. I think it’s down to the good weather we are having! Her skin still itches but she isn’t scratching so much so that’s something! She managed to do the field events at school sports day but the track events were a bit too much for her.
She has been thrilled with the post this month, some beautiful cards, particularly from Chris and Wendy, thanks so much! And to Jean for the chocolate from America which was soo beautiful, Gaby was stunned and it’s a shame to eat it! It even moved her to write a thank you but so far it’s still unfinished so I will pass on her appreciation here. She is usually too tired after school to do much and last weekend didn’t move far from her bed. Thank you to everyone who takes the time to write to Gaby, it really means a lot. And thanks to Viks and the team too.
Update 1st May 2009
Gaby continues to be well but tired. She has just come back from an outdoor education trip for 3 days and looks worn out! I’m sure she had a great time though!
She is waiting to see another consultant about her skin problems. Other than that we just plod on!
Update 3rd March 2009
Gaby has been to see the X Factor tour this weekend and really enjoyed it. She got very tired though and was struggling a bit with her tummy pains. She has had pains in all sorts of places this month! She goes back on her treatment regime this month. I haven’t told her yet but I’m sure she will take it in her stride! She has been itching a lot and has scratched her skin to pieces in places.
Thanks to everyone for her mail and for her sisters too. It was Emma’s birthday in February and she had lots of cards. Many thanks to all the new pals too. Gaby was amazed to get a book, with a lovely letter, from Joanna in Greece! Every mail is special and Gaby loves getting them! Thanks to stitched with love for Gaby’s cushion too, it’s on her bed!
Update 6th February 2009
Once again, thank you for all the wishes and cards sent to Gaby and her sisters. Every one is different and a pleasure to receive! We have had cards from some new posties this month so thank you! She was totally made up with her Miley Cyrus book!! And Mum liked the chocolates too!
Gaby has been tired this month, and has been feeling a bit off colour. She has been staying in bed quite a bit. She has also been itching badly and we’re not sure why. If anyone else says the word ‘virus’ to me I may scream! We seem to have got to the ‘watch and wait’ phase of her treatment, which is almost worse than knowing what’s happening! Just blood tests and scans! It’s hard to believe we have been on this path for over 3 years now. But she remains happy and she had fun out in the recent snow!
Update 6th January 2009
Gaby had her normal monthly scans etc last month and there is still no real change. We approached Christmas cautiously as the last few she has been ill, but she remained well and enjoyed her birthday too. She had a disco party and i felt so happy seeing her running around and having fun. She managed to get through all her school concerts too!
At the moment Gaby has a cold coming on which we try to avoid at all costs as she has no lymphatic drainage from her head on one side so her face swells up. It’s looking a bit puffy so we’re hoping it doesn’t get worse.
Last months post was overwhelming! There were parcels and mail almost every day! The girls want to say a big thank you to everyone! Emma had a lovely elf box from her elf, thank you so much! They opened it so fast I didn’t see it all. When i ask them “where did you get that?” the answer is usually “Post Pals”! Oh and when Gaby found her X Factor T shirt which Viks had cunningly disguised, she was so excited! I meant to take some photos but they were way too quick!
Gaby has started guides tonight. She has gone with her sisters and was so excited! It’s also Cat’s birthday today – thank you for all her birthday wishes!
I’d just also like to say that one of Gaby’s friends was been diagnosed with leukaemia over the holidays. My thoughts go out to her family, and hope that it all goes well. I think Gaby is worrying about it because of her experiences, so she could do with some cheering up.
Update 10th December 2008
I have sat and watched you on TV this morning! You are so amazing, I had tears in my eyes watching!
It’s Gaby’s birthday tomorrow and she has so much from Post Pals! I can’t work as much as I would like due to Gaby’s condition and all these gifts make so much difference to Gaby and her sisters! I just want to say a huge THANK YOU to you and all the regular posties… Kate, Julie and many more! It makes so much difference to Gaby and the whole family!
Update 1st December 2008
Well, for the first time in 3 years we seem to be going in the right direction! At last her thyroglobulin levels are falling! Though we have been told not to get too excited… it may be a one off! So we are having more bloods done again in December, as usual. At least this year for the first time in 3 years we will be home for Christmas (well so far it looks that way!).
Gaby is looking forward to her birthday. She is having a disco party. She went to a friends swim party last week and had a great time even though she spent the next 2 days recovering! I don’t think her tiredness will ever improve. It’s just something we have to live with. She has now got a really thick duvet on her bed as she couldn’t keep warm with these cold nights! You can barely see her but you can hear her snores!
We have had so many nice things this month! Gaby and her sisters say a great big thank you to everyone who takes time to send them things. They all had an anonymous parcel each with lots of things in… thank you so much who ever it was! Emma was over the moon with hers as it had a new black handbag in it and she absolutely loves it… she is a total bag lady!
Update 3rd November 2008
Gaby has re started her scans and bloods again this month. Her scans are still showing nodes in her neck so we just have to wait and see what happens. She also has anaemia so is very tired.
We have just had a lovely break at Donna’s Dream House in Blackpool. It’s a great place and the people who run it are just amazing! Gaby was pleased we got up the tower but still wants to do the Eiffel! Pity the weather was so cold! The lights were amazing too!
Thank you all so much for all the gifts you have sent to Gaby and her sisters this month! It has really cheered them up!
Update 28th September 2008
Gaby is back to her hospital routine now. She had a break over the summer, to see if waiting any longer would show any new nodules. She has had 5 lots of blood taken so far and will be having her second MRI scan this week. She really hates having them as she has to lie still with her neck extended for 40 minutes which means that she can’t even see the dvd player that is there! She has also had a lot of shooting pains in her head and on top of that she has a cold! So a miserable bunny at the present! Needing lots of hugs!
Thank you Julie for the Pot Bellied Pig! She enjoyed looking at it! And thanks to everyone else who as sent mail to Gaby and her sisters!
Update 30th August 2008
Gaby has had a break from everything this month and we have been on holiday to Yorkshire. She has had some good days and some not so good! She is looking forward to going back to school next week. She isn’t looking forward to getting back to hospitals though! Next month she has another scan and a hospital visit.
She loves getting post and seems to get more than we do!! Cat and Emma also like getting letters and are often busy sending them too! Thank you all for thinking of us!
Update 7th July 2008
Thank you all for all the mail Gaby gets. She was especially impressed by Despina’s card from New York! And also from Mrs. Miles class at Summerhil School in Brighton! It’s very kind of all of you to think of her and her sisters!!
Gaby has had an easy month in June, with only one appointment. July is going to make up for it though! We are back at Christies for review on the 21st. She still has antibodies to the thymoglobulin, so we can’t really see what is happening, but it’s assumed that antibodies to TG mean that TG is present and therefore, also thyroid tissue, which we really don’t want! We are hoping that she hasn’t become resistant to the treatment.
In herself, she has been much the same! Still gets pain here and there but carries on regardless! On Saturday she did the Survivors lap of honour at our local Cancer Research Relay for Life! We would love to come down to the Pals party but it is too far for her to travel. We hope to meet up with Summer this week though!
Update 2nd June 2008
Gaby has been well but grumpy this month. She had an MRI scan which she hated as they had to hold her head still in a frame. The scan showed that there are still lumps in her neck so we are going back to Manchester soon for more review!
We’ve just had a lovely week down in the New Forest. The weather wasn’t at its best but it was nice to get away! Back to reality now though!
Gaby loves to get your mail and so do Cat and Emma. It means a lot to them so thank you to all who take the time to make their day!
Update 2nd May 2008
Gaby isn’t happy this month as she now has to have bloods taken more often and has to have a line put in to take them. She also has to have MRI scans which she hates as she has to lie still for so long! She has also not felt so good; she even had a few days off school which isn’t like her! She is looking forward to going on holiday to Bournemouth though at the end of May – let’s hope the sun comes out!
Thank you all for all her mail! She loves getting post, it makes her day!
Update 4th April 2008
Gaby has had a reasonable month and has been quite busy! She went to stay with her Grandparents for a few days after Easter which gave me a break. She had lots of Easter eggs and we have also bought the girls a trampoline with their Easter money! Let’s hope that was a good idea!
She has been well in herself apart from the usual tiredness and pain. However her blood results from her monthly tests are not showing the results we hoped for and it’s looking likely that the last treatment has not been as effective as we hoped. At the moment, all we can do is wait. It may take another few months before we have an answer. All we can say at the moment is that it’s possible that there is still some tumour somewhere.
Gaby would like to say Thank You to all of you who send her letters. She tries to reply but can’t always! She checks the post avidly each day and she loves it when it’s from afar! They do mean so much to her, especially on her bad days when she can only rest in bed. Thanks to Julie, Maria Kate, Jenn, Nicki, John and other Pals! Also to anybody we haven’t mentioned!
Our sponsored swim is still ongoing. We had a break due to problems at the pool but we hope to be under way again with some publicity!
Update 27th February 2008
We are still waiting for a verdict from the hospital on Gaby’s recent treatment but we don’t seem to be having much luck! However, she has not been well this month and seems to have far more off days than normal. We don’t seem to be able to get on top of the pain and nausea and she always seems tired and sleeps for most of the time that she isn’t at school! She always has a smile though! We hope that we will get a result from the hospital soon. She has yet another medicine now… from the dentist! She has given her a fluoride wash as the vomiting and loss of calcium is taking a toll on her teeth. She did manage a bowling party with a friend this week but spent the rest of the night in pain and nauseous! Hmmmm… maybe that was too much ice cream!
Emma says thank you to everyone who sent her cards and gifts for her birthday. Thanks to Maria and Jo, and everyone else! Catherine seems to have written to most of the other pals this month! She is really into card making! Gaby has been really pleased with all her post! She has had a lot of cards and letters and I know that Cat tries to reply where she can but if we haven’t got to you, we really do appreciate the time you take to think of us all. Thank you so much!
My swim continues… slowly! With school holidays and caring for Gaby it’s been a bit slow but I hope to get there! Every time I plan something, I either get called to work or Gaby is sick!
Update 1st February 2008
Gaby has had a quiet month. She went back to Alder Hey but we will have to wait a while longer before we know how her recent treatment went. Apart from her pains and tiredness she has been well. She has not been able to dance recently as she finds it all a bit much but maybe she will get back to it soon. She can mange to swim for a few minutes with her sisters, and has managed to swim 25m, albeit very slowly! She really enjoys getting mail from her friends here! Her card quilt was a great success!
Update 3rd January 2008
Gaby has had a busy month with everything going on! She has been to O2 arena to see High School musical! And it was Christmas and her birthday! She managed to get home from hospital in time to celebrate her 9th birthday with her family, but she was very tired after her treatment at Christies. We now have to wait and see how effective it has been. She is starting to pick up a bit now that she is back on her thyroxine but is still getting tummy pains. She decided when she was at Christies that she was a big girl now and doesn’t need to have “magic cream” anymore! So she had all her bloods without! This means that now she can have venous blood taken which makes life a lot easier for us all! I’m very proud of her! Today is the first day in ages she has managed to get dressed! We are back at Alder Hey next week.
Gaby remains happy though and has been so pleased with all the mail she has had this month. She has never been bored with all the things that have been sent for her to do. She has been making things with Cat for other Post Pals! It helps take her mind off things! Thank you to everyone who sent things to Gaby and her sisters! Gaby and Cat will try and reply to those with addresses, but if we miss you, thanks so much for your kindness, it means so much to Gaby and she loves getting mail especially when she isn’t feeling too good.
Update 19th November 2007
Gaby is going back to Christies for more treatment on December 3rd. She isn’t feeling too good at the minute, she is very tired and in pain, but she keeps smiling! Yesterday she got to fly with Santa in a helicopter! She really enjoyed it! She has also been keeping up with her dancing, winning a competition on Friday! We are not sure if she will be out of hospital for her birthday on the 11th so we have been getting her a few treats before she goes! She had a manicure on Friday and has had some new clothes. It always seems to be this time of year when she is having treatment – over her birthday and Christmas. We also have to fit in moving to a new house as well! The weather has got so cold and Gaby is finding it difficult to keep warm, while her thyroxin is low. She has to stop taking it for 4 weeks before she has her treatment. Once she has had her radiation she has to stay in isolation as she is radioactive. This means I can’t go in and cuddle her – well only for a little one! It can take several days for it to clear enough for her to come out! It also makes her feel very sick and tired, so she isn’t really looking forward to it! It can be boring for her too as no one can visit!
Hopefully she will be back to her normal self in time for Christmas. Thanks for all your messages, she really loves getting them!! Do note the new contact address though!
Update 20th October 2007
Recent investigations have shown that Gaby’s tumour is re-growing in her neck. She has just spent a few days in Christies in Manchester while it was checked out and she will have to go back in December for another radiation treatment.
Gaby remains happy and has been really brave this last week while tests were done. She was so pleased to come home and find some Post Pals mail! It really cheers her up and although she can’t reply to you all, she knows each and every one of you! She keeps it all in a file and knows where everyone lives and who they are! Thank you all so much… it really cheers her up!
Update 12th August 2007
Gaby has been having a good summer playing on the beach and has even managed to get out on her new bike! It’s been a long time since she wanted to do that! She is back in Alder Hey next week and is actually looking forward to it! She hopes they will find out what is making her tummy so sore!
She loves getting all your messages and sends her love to all of you! She will try and write back to you when she feels able to!
Update 11th June 2007
Gaby continues to be a happy little soul even though she is constantly tired and in pain. We are waiting for a date for her to go into Alder for more surgery and some tests to find the cause of this.
She has managed to make some progress with her swimming now though, and our new car has made taking her out a lot easier.
She loves getting Post Pals mail! She keeps it all in a little folder and gets it all out and reads it! So thank you to all of you who take the time to make her smile!
Update 11th April 2007
Gaby is hopefully doing well. She is not going to have anymore radiation for the time being so has now been transferred back to the care of Alder Hey. She wants to thank you all for everything that has been sent! She runs for the post everyday and will try and get back to you all sometime or other! It really makes her day!
Caring for her has taken over everything and not being able to work has made things very difficult here. We were hoping to upgrade our car this year. It’s very old anyway and all the journeys to hospitals have taken their toll! But it will have to do for now. It has taken a lot this year just trying to keep her warm through the winter!! But just to see her smile makes it all worth it!
And thanks to Vikki and everyone for their time with Post Pals! It’s really great!